The terrible child.
That's what I've always been called since I was young. Maybe because of my ever crazier desires or because of my wandering mind, I don't know.
I'm Enzo Pebre I'm 20 years old and I'm a circus artist, aerial acrobat, creator and crazy circus artist. At 6 years old, I did the big somersault in a small amateur circus school " feet in the air then everything came together and my future was confirmed. When I was 16, I left high school to improve my skills at " Circus Arch », a superb preparatory school that allowed me to grow artistically and mentally. Then I continued my apprenticeship in a higher school, " National Circus School of Montreal where I am currently in third year. Since the beginning, I had the chance to present my numbers on different television sets such as Rai2 in Italy, Das SuperTalent in Germany, Superkids in France whose show I won, Disney Channel, France 2 or even TF1 . I was also able to perform for special events such as aerial numbers on a crane, circus festivals or even at the Accor Hotel Arena (Bercy) for the singer MIKA in front of more than 15,000 spectators. Last summer, I also created my company " children of fools with which I designed and staged two shows for the Spirou amusement park. In short, I have chosen this fabulous road which is the circus and I hope to follow it until the great final salvation.

Final exam
It's the beginning of the end of the beginning.
“Everything has become disturbing, I am falling. Yet I feel immortal, untouchable but I realize little by little that I'm just a lab rat. I have the iPhone nailed to my bleeding hand, 5G is dancing in my brain, BOOM BOOM BOOM I have a headache...Yet when I think about it it's super trendy. At this point, the show still hasn't started, and the BOOM BOOM BOOM will never end."
In this new creation, Enzo addresses with uncertainty his fears related to the evolution of the world, technologies, but also to cyberaddiction. Are we leading a double life? Are we really insecure to the point of needing recognition? What's left when there's nothing left?
My journey
One day, a Saturday afternoon in October to be exact, my parents and I were at a flea market when suddenly a gentleman dressed as a giant gorilla appeared out of nowhere to do somersaults in all directions while another came down the steps of the church square on the hands. It was the revelation, I wanted to do like them. I was 6.
amateur school,
feet in the air
The start of the dream
I remember seeing this huge red and green tent with the name of the school written on it " feet in the air ". From the first hour, I climbed to the very top of the marquee to touch the dome with the fabric. I had zero technique, I just knew how to climb the rope with the strength of the arms because there was one in the garden of my grandparents. I remember being scolded by the teacher for doing that. I didn't make a great impression for my trial class but again, I was accepted to continue all year. So off I went to try everything, the unicycle, the rope, acrobatics, aerials and juggling. A discipline immediately caught my eye, aerial fabric. I loved the fact that everything was possible in this piece of fabric, that everything was doable and that everything you did in it caused crazy reactions of fear in all my family members. I was immediately lucky to be supervised by the right people (the circus artists Emmanuelle Peyre, Valérie Seyvet, Stéphane Ode, Sandra Racodon) I have the impression that from my first foot inside this magic marquee, it was decided “my life will be CIRCUS“.

preparatory school,
circus bow
An unforgettable experience
At 16, I stopped school to join a preparatory school in France, " circus bow ". It was a carefully considered decision, I couldn't take it anymore, I thought I was wasting my time sitting behind my desk. The only thing I was waiting for the most was to be 16 so that I could finally leave high school and vibrate to create every day.
I learned a lot with this school, the teachers, the students and everything around that made Arc en cirque a safe and calm environment to develop technique and artistry. I was lucky to have very good teachers including Christine Perrin and Eric Angelier. From the first day, I had one goal, to be the strongest to be able to integrate the national circus school of Montreal. I thought more than that, it was my only goal and thanks to a lot of desire and work, this dream became real.

high school,
National Circus School of Montreal
Let the show begin
August 2019, just 18 years old, I set off to conquer Canada to study in the school of my dreams! A great experience full of life. I learned a lot during these 3 years in Montreal as a student at the ENC. I was able to meet very good people, friendly, professionally and artistically. I perfected myself in the aerial hoop with my coaches Eliane Domanski, Oksana Burliy and Catherine Girard.

My disciplines
I create shows accessible to all your events. I am a artist who can be both a creator and a performer. Discover my specialties below.

Aerial hoop

Aerial silks

Multidisciplinary artist